Chapter News

Chapters Provide Award-Winning Service

Thirty-seven chapters were recognized for their exceptional efforts in 2021.


At the 2022 Congress on Healthcare Leadership, 37 ACHE chapters received performance awards as part of the Chapter Management and Awards Program. The award-winning chapters were honored during the Malcolm T. MacEachern Memorial Lecture and Luncheon. To receive recognition, chapters must meet or exceed one or more of the four performance standards based on a tiered recognition system.

There are six awards:

  1. Board of Governors Award: awarded to chapters that have met all four of the performance standards in the current award year.
  2. Award for Chapter Excellence: awarded to chapters that have met three of the four performance standards in the current award year.
  3. Award of Chapter Distinction: for chapters that have met two of the four performance standards in the current award year.
  4. Award of Chapter Merit: awarded to chapters that have met one of the four performance standards in the current award year.
  5. Award for Sustained Chapter Excellence: for chapters that have met three of the four performance standards for four consecutive years.
  6. Award for Sustained Performance: for chapters that have met at least one of the four performance standards for three consecutive years.

Encouraging Exceptional Service
ACHE’s Chapter Management and Awards Program recognizes the delivery of high-quality services to ACHE members at the local level. The program has the following goals:

  • Create a system that compares chapter performance objectively and manages current and future success based on a common set of indicators.
  • Provide well-deserved recognition to top-performing chapters. (All recognition is based on measurable outcomes of chapter performance. By providing recognition, ACHE reinforces the added value of chapter membership.)

2021 Performance Standards
ACHE uses the information from reports submitted by chapters to calculate the performance standards that must be met for the year. These performance standards are set annually by taking a three-year average of performance at the 90th percentile level for each standard.

In 2021, chapters had to meet or exceed the following standards to receive one of the 2022 awards:

  • Education and networking performance. This key indicator is a calculation of the number of programming hours multiplied by the number of attendees and divided by total chapter membership at the beginning of the current award year. In 2021, winning chapters were required to provide at least 14.1 hours of chapter event programming per chapter member.
  • Net membership growth. This outcome is measured by the percentage difference between the total number of ACHE-affiliated chapter members in all membership categories at the beginning and end of the year. In 2021, winning chapters were required to have a net membership growth of at least 6.6%.
  • Level of member satisfaction. Each chapter is expected to have a top-ranking level of member satisfaction as measured in the annual survey administered by ACHE. In 2021, winning chapters were required to receive at least a 4.2 on a 5-point scale in chapter member satisfaction.
  • Advancement of eligible members. This outcome is measured by the percentage of an eligible pool of ACHE members affiliated with the chapter who advanced to Fellow. In 2021, chapters needed to advance a number greater than or equal to 8.4% of the chapter members eligible to advance at the beginning of the year to receive an award.

Congratulations to Our Winning Chapters
Triangle Healthcare Executives’ Forum won the Board of Governors Award; CT Association of Healthcare Executives and Puerto Rico Chapter of the American College of Healthcare Executives won the Award for Chapter Excellence; seven chapters won the Award of Chapter Distinction; 27 chapters won the Award of Chapter Merit; and 16 chapters won the Award for Sustained Performance. For a complete listing, visit

“It is such an honor to preside over such a motivated and achieving chapter,” says Michael A. Novak, FACHE, president of CT Association of Healthcare Executives, which has won the award three times now and is also a past winner of the Board of Governors Award. 

“Monthly, I witness our teams of board members and chairpersons delivering solid updates and planning on what is upcoming for our chapter,” he says. “One cannot help but remark at their dedication and involvement. This is quickly echoed by our membership, who see the professional value in our chapter and make our events successful. The ACHE mission is loud and strong within the Connecticut chapter, and it was the zenith of our achievement last year to once again be recognized by ACHE.”

New Performance Standards
The performance standards for 2022 have been shared with the chapters. They are as follows: education and networking performance, 12.3 hours per member; net membership growth, 6.9%; member satisfaction, 4.2 or higher (on a 5-point scale); and advancement of eligible members, 9.7%. Chapters meeting one or more of the standards will be recognized at the 2023 Congress on Healthcare Leadership in Chicago. 

Search the chapter directory to find your Chapter. To discuss your ideas for chapters, contact Jennifer L. Connelly, FACHE, CAE, vice president, Regional Services, Department of Executive Engagement, at (312) 424-9320 or