Board Meeting Highlights

The American College of Healthcare Executives Board of Governors met Dec. 5–6 to discuss the Strategic Plan, budgets and work plans for 2024 for both ACHE and the Foundation of ACHE. Here are the highlights of the meeting.

2024–2026 Strategic Plan

ACHE follows a three-year strategic planning cycle, and 2023 marks our second year of the plan. The goal is to confirm the direction of the Strategic Plan. After discussion and field review, the Board approved the Strategic Plan, making no changes for 2024–2026, thus solidifying our collective belief in the direction laid out.

Business Update

Budget Approved
The Board of Governors approved the 2024 budget for ACHE and the Foundation. Within the budget, increasing membership and engagement, growing the 2024 Congress on Healthcare Leadership and other programming, and identifying new approaches for publishing are among the operational priorities.

Corporate Performance Objectives

2023 was a solid performance year, with upward trends in Member and Fellow growth, Board of Governors Exams passed and budget performance with strong progress toward achieving target goals. On a particularly promising note, education revenue growth returned to pre-pandemic levels.

The Fund for Healthcare Leadership

As of Dec. 31, the $1 Million Campaign for Healthcare Leaders of Tomorrow for ACHE’s Fund for Healthcare Leadership had received donations from 470 distinct donors contributing over $400,000. On Giving Tuesday 2023, donations totaling over $9,000 were received, which doubles the amount received in 2022.

Foundation of ACHE Updates

Congress on Healthcare Leadership
Registration opened in November with solid interest. New additions for 2024 include an improved hotel booking system, introduction of the Congress Day Pass and specific C-suite peer-to-peer focused opportunities.

ACHE Publishing Portfolio

To address changing publishing market dynamics that prioritize digital over print, Health Administration Press is adapting to the environment with a digital-first strategy. In partnership with a market strategist, work is underway to build a comprehensive content strategy, along with new marketing tactics that align with a digital-first approach.

Strategic Imperatives

Technology Acceleration Plan
In our role as Trusted Partner, ACHE has committed to deepen engagement with members and the healthcare community through education, networking and career services to inspire and cultivate leaders to advance health. In doing so, ACHE is accelerating the use of technology to proactively meet the challenges of a rapidly changing environment that will create unparalleled digital experiences for leaders.

The business priorities to better serve individual members and customers include driving improved experiences through better navigation, usability and opportunities to provide personalized content. Product innovations to serve employers and organizations are also at the forefront of our priorities. To date, key milestones completed on the technology acceleration journey include contracting with Salesforce to serve as our customer relationship management platform, as well as engaging with other partners that will support website redesign efforts and elevate the ACHE brand.

DEI Next-Level Strategy Update

In our role as Catalyst, ACHE has committed to leading for safety and equity. In doing so, ACHE will offer thought leadership and champion solutions that advance equity. As priorities, we are:
  • Leveraging organizational partnerships, including chapters, to drive DEI efforts.
  • Creating essential resources for leaders to advance the creation of diverse, equitable and inclusive environments.
  • Growing the number of diverse member leaders.

Recent accomplishments include the completion of a DEI competencies and assessment tool that identifies specific opportunities to drive inclusive cultures. The assessment tool is self-scored and can be used on its own or as a companion to the ACHE Healthcare Executives Competencies Assessment Tool. Also included are resources to help close identified gaps in knowledge, skills and abilities. Development of a communications and marketing plan is underway, with an expected rollout coming soon.

Additionally, a DEI blueprint is under development. The goal of this blueprint is to provide a framework and resources for C-suite leaders to drive enterprisewide equity efforts through leadership. Best practices from Leading a Culture of Safety: A Blueprint for Success are being used to inform approaches for policies and practices and to assess organizational readiness levels, using case studies to model success. The DEI blueprint is expected to be launched soon.

Strengthening the ACHE and Chapter Partnership

In our role as Connector, ACHE has committed to grow our professional community across the healthcare continuum by leveraging our partnerships with chapters and other organizations. In doing so, ACHE is identifying new ways to enhance the ACHE and chapter partnership and to better leverage the role of chapter leaders and volunteers in providing value to members. 

Top-of-mind priorities include providing new options to reduce administrative burdens for busy volunteer workers by identifying challenges for chapters that can be translated in ways to support scalable solutions and best practices.

FACHE® Continuing Education Requirements Update

Numerous efforts were undertaken to support the education changes that took effect Jan. 1, 2024. 
This included a special offer for Fellows of the 2024 recertification class to complete their requirements in 2023 at the end of the year. A total of 689 Fellows had capitalized on this offer as of late December 2023.

Chapters now have expanded opportunities to provide local education to members. Also, chapter panel discussion templates were revamped with the inclusion of new instructional resources. This includes expanded virtual interactive templates and an updated chapter education manual that aligns operations and policy.

2025–2027 Strategic Plan

In 2024, ACHE will conduct a deep dive on the Strategic Plan for 2025–2027. In preparation, the Board discussed changes in the field and the impact on leaders that may inform upcoming strategic discussions. This included dialogue around retail players, private equity, growth in home healthcare and opportunities to drive more integrated care. 

The deep dive will include a robust research plan that seeks feedback from stakeholders. The Strategic Plan will be a topic of discussion at the upcoming Regent Think Tank, conducted as part of Regent activities March 23 at Congress.

Overall, the Board noted it was a productive meeting, and ACHE is well-positioned for the future.