
Bouncing Back After a Setback

Strategies for addressing clinical and nonclinical staffing shortages.

Career setbacks can be significant turning points, particularly in the demanding healthcare field. Such challenges, ranging from missed promotions to unexpected reductions in force, can deeply affect a professional’s confidence.

These setbacks, however, don’t signify the end of a career; rather, pivotal experiences and challenges create openings to reassess and redefine one’s career strategy. Sometimes, a roadblock is an invitation to find a new, potentially more rewarding path.

A Harvard Business Review study published Jan. 29, 2021, underscores the concept of resilience, emphasizing that it’s not just about bouncing back but also about “bouncing forward.” This is crucial in the healthcare administration sector, where leaders are expected to navigate complex challenges with agility and foresight.

Healing Before Analysis

When faced with a significant career setback, attempting to overcome everything at once can be overwhelming. It’s crucial to break the challenge into manageable steps. The first step in recovering from a career setback is allowing time for emotional rest from the upheaval. It’s normal for one’s mind to rush into analyzing the setback, but that can skew perspectives and ultimately hinder the healing process over the long term.

Recognizing Personal Achievements

It’s important to remember that a career setback does not define one’s entire professional journey. Reflecting on past achievements, both within and outside of one’s career, can reaffirm an individual’s capabilities and worth. Whether it’s contributing to major projects, leading a team to success, or achieving personal accomplishments such as a professional certification, successes serve as testaments to a professional’s skills and fortitude.
In addition, consider achievements outside the workplace. For example, a leader might be proud of their healthy and strong family. Or maybe they consider athletic achievements part of their success. All these factors can help increase self-confidence and remind healthcare leaders of their successes.

Using Support Systems

Isolation can exacerbate feelings of failure and inadequacy. Engaging with friends, peers and professional resources offers emotional support and practical guidance. Mentorship or coaching, especially from those who have navigated similar challenges, can be particularly beneficial, offering insights and opening new professional avenues.

One of the most effective tools, particularly in healthcare leadership, is engaging in a formal mentoring program. The structured support these programs provide can be instrumental in navigating the aftermath of professional challenges. They can also provide insights into understanding industry dynamics such as managing complex workplace situations and avoiding potential pitfalls. Hearing about a mentor’s challenges and how they overcame them can be incredibly empowering. It instills a sense of resilience and the understanding that setbacks are not unique, but, rather, a universal part of the professional journey. This shared experience can provide much-needed external perspective, helping those experiencing setbacks to see them as temporary and surmountable.

Formal mentoring is also an avenue for continuous learning. Mentors can recommend courses, workshops or reading materials that will aid in professional development and help leaders engage in the ongoing learning processes that are crucial for staying relevant and knowledgeable in the field.

Like mentors, coaches can be guides in setting realistic, achievable goals that instill motivation and confidence in the aftermath of a career setback. Coaches are trained professionals adept at guiding individuals toward identifying and accomplishing specific goals. Their expertise lies not necessarily in being seasoned practitioners in the client’s field but in their ability to facilitate growth and development. This aspect is particularly beneficial post-setback, as it brings a fresh, unbiased perspective to the challenges faced.

Coaches employ various techniques, such as reflective questioning, exercises and action plans, which are designed to challenge conventional thinking and foster self-discovery. The relationship with a coach is typically structured and goal-oriented, contrasting with the often informal and long-term nature of mentorship. In recovering from a setback, this structured approach and time-bound nature of the relationship ensures focused effort and momentum toward recovery and growth.

Transforming a Setback Into an Opportunity for Personal Brand Refinement

A personal professional brand is a curated representation of an individual’s professional identity across various digital and online platforms. A resume is part of one’s brand, as is a combination of elements that collectively communicate a person’s skills, experiences, values and professional ethos to the online world.

Navigating significant changes provides unique opportunities for leaders to reassess, refine and potentially pivot their personal brand and online presence. A setback often prompts introspection, leading to a deeper understanding of one’s core values, strengths and areas of growth. This process is integral to moving forward and emerging stronger and more defined in one’s professional identity.

Professional online job and career platforms are invaluable for professional branding and networking. Regularly updating profiles, engaging with content relevant to their field and contributing their own insights can significantly enhance a leader’s professional visibility. It is a space to reflect dedication to the healthcare sector by sharing and engaging with content that highlights recent industry advancements and professional interests. However, it is equally vital to maintain a clear boundary between professional discourse and personal opinion, especially on matters unrelated to the field, such as politics. This strategy not only fosters interaction but also gradually extends one’s professional network in a manner that is organic and impactful.

Consistency in one’s messaging and authenticity in all interactions are key to a strong personal brand. More than a list of their experiences and professional accolades, online platforms can provide leaders with opportunities to present a multifaceted reflection of their leadership style and vision for the future. Whether commenting on peers’ posts or participating in relevant group discussions, leaders should ensure that their online presence across various platforms conveys a consistent image that truly represents who they are and what they stand for.

Setbacks Are Not Final

Career setbacks are a chance to pause, reassess and strategize, paving the way for a stronger future. They serve as a canvas for self-reflection—an opportunity to realign with one’s core values and reignite the passion for impactful leadership.

Using the wealth of resources available, from assessing strengths to reestablishing a professional online presence, healthcare leaders can sculpt a career marked by adaptability, innovation and meaningful influence. These moments of setback are not just about recovery; they’re about redefining the trajectory of one’s career and setting a course for a future that resonates with success, fulfillment and an enduring contribution to the healthcare field.

Jessica Taylor, FACHE, is a strategic coach and founder/principal of Coaching Coalition (