May/June 2024

Volume 39 | Number 3

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In this Issue

  • Feature

    Congress Generates Big Ideas

    More than 5,000 attendees joined speakers, volunteers and Premier Corporate Partners in Chicago to make this year’s Congress a memorable event and a continued meaningful forum to advance healthcare leadership excellence with big ideas.

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  • Perspectives

    The Ripple Effect of Connecting

    Deborah J. Bowen, FACHE, CAE

    A well-known quote widely attributed to Mother Theresa is, “I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.” It’s not clear if she actually said that, but the intention behind those words are instructive to leading, nonetheless.

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  • Healthcare Management Ethics

    Prioritizing Patient Benefits Over Hospital Income

    Paul B. Hofmann, DrPH, LFACHE

    A Nov. 30, 2023, essay in The New York Times titled “Why Are Nonprofit Hospitals Focused More on Dollars Than Patients?” raised several eye-opening points about how it appears some nonprofit hospitals may be straying from a focus on patients to a focus on profits.

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  • Diversity Equity and Inclusion

    Inclusive Excellence in Healthcare

    Dennis Delisle, ScD, FACHE, Milly Valverde and Leon McDougle, MD

    Healthcare is an industry of people caring for people. The team-based nature of care delivery requires the contribution and collaboration of many individuals. Building a culture founded on connection, trust and partnership can lead to dramatic and sustainable results.

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