September/October 2023

Volume 38 | Number 5


In this Issue

  • Feature

    Using Technology to Inspire Patient Engagement

    Ed Finkel

    Bolstering meaningful patient engagement is among the top goals and connected uses for technology that health systems are implementing. From a business perspective, they’re doing it to ensure continued use of services. But they’re also doing it from a medical perspective to ensure continuity of excellent care.

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  • Cover Story

    Looking Back to Move Forward

    Susan Birk

    To grasp the speed of evolution in healthcare digital technology, consider: The healthcare artificial intelligence market is projected to grow to $188 billion by 2030 at a compound annual growth rate of 37% from $11 billion in 2022, according to data provider Statista.

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  • Healthcare Management Ethics

    A Learning Healthcare Systems Approach

    William A. Nelson, PhD, HFACHE, and Susan A. Reeves, EdD, RN

    Several highly recognized thought leaders in healthcare are encouraging organizations to become “learning healthcare systems,” which the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality describes as a “health system in which internal data and experience are systematically integrated with external evidence, and that knowledge is put into practice.

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  • Satisfying Your Customers

    Streamlining the Supply Chain

    Sree Duggineni and Richard Flask

    Since 2019, and each year following at City of Hope National Medical Center, Duarte, Calif., patient volumes have increased by more than 20% due in large part to the number of expansions to the organization’s service lines, the opening of new clinics and an increase of inpatient services.

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