July/August 2023

Volume 38 | Number 4

In this Issue

  • Feature

    Changing Behaviors: Increasing Access to Behavioral Healthcare

    Ed Finkel

    Healthcare CEOs who responded to ACHE’s 2022 Top Issues survey ranked behavioral health and addiction third on a list of 11 concerns, behind only workforce challenges and financial pressures. That’s ahead of such perennial and still very pressing issues as patient safety and quality, governmental mandates, access to care, and patient satisfaction.

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  • Healthcare Management Ethics

    The Benefits of Better Communication

    Paul B. Hofmann, DrPH, LFACHE

    No one debates the importance of timely and accurate communication with patients and their families or among staff members. Too many, however, do not recognize that poor communication can have profound ethical, clinical, personnel and financial costs.

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  • Satisfying Your Customers

    Holistic Care Goes Digital

    Sanjeev Sah, Valerie McKinnis, MD, and Nancy Yates, RN

    When Centura Health began designing its “hospital of the future,” the journey was fueled by the belief that by advancing whole person care, people flourish.

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  • Operational Advancements

    Mindfulness Meditation for Veterans and Staff

    Mary-Ellen Piche, LFACHE, CPHQ, and Charles Weinberg, BCD, LICSW

    The Hershel “Woody” Williams Veterans Administration Medical Center, Huntington, W.Va., uses whole-health-oriented care to maximize the quality of life and functioning of the veteran patients it serves and the staff who serve them.

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  • Perspectives

    Leading Ethically During Complex Times

    Deborah J. Bowen, FACHE, CAE

    Rapid deployment of breakthroughs such as generative artificial intelligence and quantum computing have raised ethical questions about accuracy, equity and accountability, to name a few concerns.

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  • Public Policy Update

    Telemental Health: Eight Key Considerations

    Paul H. Keckley, PhD

    In the United States, telemedicine played a secondary role in healthcare delivery until the pandemic elevated its significance, particularly for populations who are immunocompromised or have physical disabilities or transportation challenges.

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  • Careers

    C-Suite Executive Search Strategies

    Jena Abernathy and Tom Giella

    Hiring for the C-suite is an investment that requires diligence and commitment on the part of the organization and the selected executive search partner.

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  • Governance Insights

    The Evolution of Healthcare Is Digital

    Brian Silverstein, MD

    Remember when generic ads arrived in the mail and ran in magazines? Today, it seems that if you even think about a product or service, targeted ads appear on your smartphone and in your online news feed.

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  • Improving Patient Care

    Focusing the Climate Lens on Healthcare

    Jonathan B. Perlin, MD, PhD, FACMI

    If the healthcare field were a country, it would be the fifth-greatest polluter worldwide, according to a 2019 Health Care Without Harm report, Health Care’s Climate Footprint: How the Health Sector Contributes to the Global Climate Crisis and Opportunities for Action.

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